The Royal Liverpool Children's Inquiry Report. Distributed by The Stationary Office Ltd, 2001.
Report of a Census of Organs and Tissues by Pathology Services in England. Conducted in 2000 by the Chief Medical Officer.
Report of a Census of Organs and Tissues by Pathology Services in England. Conducted in 2000 by the Chief Medical Officer.
PITY II community support webpage. Last accessed 30/10/15.
BBC News Interview with Professor Dick van Velzen BBC News, February 5 2001
Human Tissue Act 2004 The National Archives 2004
The Alder Hey scandal arose from an inquiry into the death of children during heart surgery at the Bristol Royal Infirmary from 1984-1995. Learn more about this scandal here: The Royal Bristol Infirmary Website
A final report on the Bristol inquiry was published in 2001; find it here: Learning From Bristol: The Department of Health's Response to the Report of the Public Inquiry into children's heart surgery at the Bristol Royal Infirmary 1984-1995.
Many of the same issues regarding medical culture during the 1980s were addressed during the inquiry into the deaths. Read more about it here: The Bristol Royal infirmary inquiry: the issue explained.
Read here to find out why autopsy is still an important part of advancing medical knowledge: Clinical, educational, and epidemiological value of autopsy
Review issues regarding organ retention and tissue banking in International affairs:
Australia: Inquiry into matters arising from the post-mortem and anatomical examination practices of the Institute of Forensic Medicine;
Tissue Banking in Australia
Europe: The Ethical and Legal Regulation of Human Tissue and Biobank Research in Europe
In Text Sources:
BBC News Interview with Professor Dick van Velzen BBC News, February 5 2001
Human Tissue Act 2004 The National Archives 2004
The Alder Hey scandal arose from an inquiry into the death of children during heart surgery at the Bristol Royal Infirmary from 1984-1995. Learn more about this scandal here: The Royal Bristol Infirmary Website
A final report on the Bristol inquiry was published in 2001; find it here: Learning From Bristol: The Department of Health's Response to the Report of the Public Inquiry into children's heart surgery at the Bristol Royal Infirmary 1984-1995.
Many of the same issues regarding medical culture during the 1980s were addressed during the inquiry into the deaths. Read more about it here: The Bristol Royal infirmary inquiry: the issue explained.
Read here to find out why autopsy is still an important part of advancing medical knowledge: Clinical, educational, and epidemiological value of autopsy
Review issues regarding organ retention and tissue banking in International affairs:
Australia: Inquiry into matters arising from the post-mortem and anatomical examination practices of the Institute of Forensic Medicine;
Tissue Banking in Australia
Europe: The Ethical and Legal Regulation of Human Tissue and Biobank Research in Europe
In Text Sources:
"Alder Hey Hospital to stage final memorial for organ-scandal children,' The Telegraph, January 18, 2010
“Alder Hey organ doctor faces police investigation,” Telegraph, December 15, 2001.
"Alder Hey organ Scandal - The story so far," The Dailymail, February 1, 2001
Chief Medical Officer, Report of a Census of Organs and Tissues Retained by Pathology Services in England. (London: Stationary Office, 2001), 1.
C. Teutch, “Patient-doctor communication,” The Medical Clinics of North America 87(5) (2003): 1115-45
D. Batty "Alder Hey pathologist struck off" the guardian, June 21, 2005
"Doctor: Organ Scandal not my fault," the guardian, February 5, 2001
H. Bauchner and R. Vinci, “What have we learnt from the Alder Hey affair? That monitoring physicians’ performance is necessary to ensure good practice,” British Medical Journal 322(7282) (2001): 309-310.
J. Burton and M. Wells, “The Alder Hey affair,” Arch Dis Child; 86 (2002): 4-7
J. Burton and M. Wells, “The Alder Hey affair,” Arch Dis Child; 86 (2002): 4-7
J. Harrison, R. Innes, and T. van Zwanenberg, Rebuilding Trust in Healthcare (Oxon: Radcliff Medical Press Ltd. 2003), 47.
M. Hunter, “Medical research under threat after Alder Hey scandal”. British Medical Journal, 322(7284) (2001): 448.
J. Meikle "GMC bans Alder Hey pathologist" the guardian, February 4, 2001
"Living Children's glands given to drug firms" the guardian, January 27, 2001
M. Hunter, “Alder Hey report condemns doctors, management and coroner,” British Medical Journal 322(7281) (2001): 255.M. Hunter, “Medical research under threat after Alder Hey scandal”. British Medical Journal, 322(7284) (2001): 448.
"New organ scandal forces hospital chief to quit," the guardian, March 18, 2000
O. Dyer, “GMC clears Alder Hey doctor of dishonesty” British Medical Journal 325(7375) (2002):1258
Organ Scandal Background," BBC news, January 21, 2001
P. Mitchell, et al. “The Study of Anatomy in England from 1700 to the Early 20th Century.” Journal of Anatomy 219(2) (2011): 91–99.
“Outcomes and Aims of PITY II,” PITY II, accessed October 12th, 2015, Mitchell, et al. “The Study of Anatomy in England from 1700 to the Early 20th Century.” Journal of Anatomy 219(2) (2011): 91–99.
R. Jenkins, “Alder Hey doctor shuns accusers at inquiry into organ theft,” The Times UK News, June 7, 2005.
S. Bosely "50,000 organs secretly stored in hospitals," the guardian, January 12, 2001
S. Boseley, ‘Arrogance of doctors led to organ scandal,’ The Guardian, 12th May 2000
S. Bosely "50,000 organs secretly stored in hospitals," the guardian, January 12, 2001
S. Boseley, ‘Alder Hey scandal has hampered child research, says charity,’ The Guardian, 17th December 2002S. Boseley, ‘Arrogance of doctors led to organ scandal,’ The Guardian, 12th May 2000
S. Bosely "Organ horror report outcry," the guardian, January 31, 2001.
"Summary of the Report into the Alder Hey Scandal,', February 1, 2001.
"Summary of the Report into the Alder Hey Scandal,', February 1, 2001.
The Royal Children’s inquiry Report (London: The Stationary Office, 2001), 444.
“The Royal Liverpool Children’s Inquiry, Summary and Recommendations” Government UK, last modified January 30, 2001.
"Timeline - how the Alder Hey Scandal broke,' The Liverpool echo, April 20, 2007.
T. Marshall Stolen Hearts: Fiction and the 1990's Pathology Scandal (Nottingham: Critical, Cultural and Communications Press, 2009)